His name is Whiskey Mooch, though we just call him Mooch. He was a stray that decided to adopt Justin and I one night on the driveway, and he never really left the house. The vet says he's maybe nine months old, based on his teeth. He's a gorgeous and beautiful kitten, and very loving, if a bit playful.
So here! Have some pictures of him!

Isn't he just the Cutest cat?!
Your niece just saw the pics of Mooch and loved them. She had a couple of friends over and showed them too. We are sad that you will be leaving soon, but proud of you as well. Hope we can see you again before you leave.
Much love from S, S and I.
Awh, I'm glad she likes the Mooch-ness, I hope she can come see him beofre I go, It would be nice to see you guys before I leave....in 29 days....
Umm, leave it to me to be picky, but I'm prety sure I is your cousin. She's MY neice! :)
Sorry, Auntie! You're right, I should have written "cousin".
he's a darling
i misses him already, and i've only seen him once!!!
Well, you should come see him again!
Avivah..I met your Mom through the AF Moms/Dads support group and gosh she is so proud of you!
I retired from the AF in 1993. My son is currently in DEP but still thinking about his decision. He is 21 and wants a career in law enforcement but can't do that in AF because of colorblindness. His reason for joining is travel and I told him to take a vacation! LOL
I'm glad you've given this a lot of thought and you sound well prepared. I'm sure you are going to be a great asset to the Air Force and we are proud of your service!
Oh..as a Mom..thinking here..."Who's going to take care of Mooch when you leave?"
Debbie in NC
Popping on it cuz your Mom told me too! (I'm a member of the AF Mom's and Dad's Support group)
My son CJ is an A1C. He graduated basic 9/28/07 and is now completing SERE training in WA.
He is an Airborne Battle Management Systems Specialist - he graduated top of his Tech School and was then selected to be a memeber of a SOCOM fligth team based out of Hurlburt Field, FL. He was very honored and is incredibly excited. He will be flying on an AC130U Gunship which terrifies me but I'll just pray a lot!!
Sounds like you are well on your way to a successful career in the AF...and that you have a very supportive Mom.
I'll keep checking in on your blog until you leave and then will hopefully get updates on the support group from your mom.
If you want, you can check out my blog to read all about CJ and his journey in the AF!
V, Thank you for your decision to serve our great country in the Air Force. I am the PAFM of A1C Sharayah Farrell. She is currently at Wright Patterson for 10 months for her internship as a Medical Lab Tech. Not sure where she is going from there. I have heard about you from your mom on the Air Force Moms and Dads group. She is very proud of you. BTW - Have you learned to change a tire yet? Ask you mom, she will know what I am talking about. You can see my airman on my blog at http://www1.va.gov/homeless/page.cfm?pg=35
I am retired Army myself (22 years) and my husband is still in. We wanted better for our child that is why she is in the Air Force. She is actually living my dream as I always wanted to join the Air Force. I had been a member of Civil Air Patrol for years and wanted to be an Air Traffic Controller. Long story about why I joined the Army!
Have you received your job yet? I will keep checking your blog until you leave. You should teach you mom how to keep it updated and she can be a guest blogger while you are in BMT.
Ok, be careful when you copy and paste. My Blog is http://shaysma.blogspot.com/ Not the one that I previously posted. Spell Check Michelle!!!!
I know your mom through the airforce mom and dads website. We are all so excited for you and your family. What a big step you are taking. I know you can do this with all of the love and support you have, you will be great. Thank you for chosing to support your country by joining the Air Force!
And yes Mooch is a very cute kittie.
So Debbie asks, "Oh..as a Mom..thinking here..."Who's going to take care of Mooch when you leave?""
I seem to remember asking you that same question when you came to talk to me about the wet little kitty that you and mom had been hiding in the den for the previous couple of hours....
....but what can you say about a cat that likes to sleep in the chip bowl?!?! He's learned 'cuteness' as a survival mechanism!
Thank you all SOOO much for your support here! It really means a lot to me.
on the subject of "that wet little kitty" I'd been hiding with in the den for several hours, he knows that the cuteness keeps him in one piece, except for when he over does it and falls off the tables! *snickers* I SWEAR I didn't taunt him into doign it!
Hi Avivah,
I know your Mom through OUR AF Moms and Dads group. We are all great supporters of you and thank you for your decision to help serve our wonderful country. I have 2 in the AF - one has been in for 6 1/2 years and is an air traffic controller - the other one has been in for 1 1/2 years and is in security forces. They both do not regret their decision to join and know you won't either. Good luck to you and know we'll all be 'with' you as you begin your journey through BMT in just a few days now.
Oh - love the kitty!!
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