Today's update.
Travis, Justin's Roommate and friend, has decided to join the AF as well. I'm not sure how I feel about this, as I'm not sure it's the right path for him, but that is not up to me to say, so, I suppose I can just support him in whatever he does, even if i disagree. I do want to talk to him about it though. His ASVAB is monday, and he goes to MEPS on thursday.
I need to find a time to take my friend JAz up to the station, because she wants to talk to SSgt. Marunick about joining.
Tomorrow I'm going to the Ren fest with my brother Jon and maybe bear.
This coming wednesday is the Base trip that I'm going on, and Sat is the Ceder Point trip. I'm going on that as well.
In the meantime, I'm not doing much but hanging around the house, and cleaning, and chilling with my mom. And of course, blogging it all so you can read it! heh, can't say it's very interesting at the moment. I'm hunting someone willing to bike with me up to the Wdwd Border's regularly, as i need the exercise, and I love borders. Any takers?
till later then, I'll leave you with this.
A ship is safe in it's harbor, but that's not what it's meant for.
Hugs, loves and glomps to you all!