Saturday, September 8, 2007

So today...I went to the Zoo!

Today, I went to the zoo.

I'm soooooo happy!

I kinda love the zoo, and I don't get to go much.

So I'm glad to have time to spend with my mom before I leave, and I'm glad we got to do it at the zoo, and act like little kids and be goofy.

For the moment at least, that's all I've done today, and so that's all I'm posting!


Di said...

Hi Avivah, this is Diana :) I'm so happy to have been invited to read your blog. I'm very excited to read about your journey into the USAF!!!

Briar Rose said...

Dude, I haven't talked to you in like...*thinks*!!!!! How you doing?!

Di said...

I know! Since Steve's wedding?? Well look, I am fascinated by this whole AF process and I can't wait to hear about all your adventures.