Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So yeah, today was day one of class.

It was a lot of fun, hard and mind-wearying but very enjoyable.

Plus you know, I "coined" today, so that was sweet!

Yeah I answered a few questions right and got a 532 TRS SQ coin today, which was the shit! It's really cool to be the first Airman here int eh class to get coined, so that was cool.
On the other hand we had another SARC class today, and that really bugs me every time we have one of those classes...so the end of the day wasn't so great, but now it's all good. I'm having fun here now, and class should be a blast tomorrow.

Anywho, hit me up if you need me, I'll be back when I can!


Debbie said...

V...congrats on the coin! First one given out at that...doesn't surprise me. I can see "give me a challenge and I'll succeed no matter what the hell it takes" in your eyes!

Have I said yet how jealous I am that you're at VAFB LOL

Debra A. Estep said...

HEY... kiddo

Great to see you on the WWW.

STUDY LOTS and take good care.

Mrs E
Proud AF Mom VEE
Proud AF MIL Dana

Anonymous said...

Greetings from cold Michigan!

I have been reading your blog and enjoy hearing how you are doing, but I'm not up to speed on all the jargon. If you have time, it would be helpful (to those of us who don't understand, like me) to explain just what a "coin" is, how you get it and why it is valued. Is it it given to an individual airman or a group?

Also, what is a "SARC class" and why does it bug you?

Love, Uncle Steve

Anonymous said...

Hey Monkey Girl!
Answer Uncle Steve - I wanna know too!