Friday, February 8, 2008

Wow, lookie what we all found!

We found FLOOR!

Not all of it, not yet at least, but some!


Almost as shocking as the fact that I've now remembered to blog every day for three days in a row! *happy dances* I'm surprised really....

Still cleaning, still packing, still gym(ing?).
Today my aunt Karen and Cousin Hunter come in to town, which so totally freaking rocks!
So I'll be working this morning, hitting the gym, then going down to see them and the rest of the fam.

Other then playing with my "dog" Mooch, and getting him REALLY REALLY stoned on catnip, that's about all I'm doing.

Not much to say else. Other then that you should check this out if you EVER need a laugh....
It's a bunch of crazy pictures and captions. it's strange, but amusing as all get out.

That all for now I think.

See you on the flipside.

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